Independent First Nations in Ontario are comprised of three groups of original peoples; the Anishinawbek, the Onkwehonwe and the Inninuwug. Each of these peoples is a Nation. Each has their own sacred stories, unique history, distinct language, culture and ways of living. Each of the Independent First Nations communities asserts inherent right and sovereignty as indigenous peoples. A historical relationship between these Nations of peoples exist, as signified in a wampum belt depicting peace and friendship between these Nations. A protocol agreement was established between the Independent First Nations in 1995, which described their relationship of respect and understanding and set out principals for working collectively on issues of fundamental concern. Currently there are 12 IFN communities throughout Ontario representing a population of approximately 30,000 members whom are working together on collective priorities to foster the well-being and strength of their communities
Our Nations’ worldview reflects the Creator’s Original teachings, philosophies and kind ways in relationship to each other. Our vision is to empower our peoples to heal and restore holistic lifeways within our Nations, Communities, Families and Individuals to be holistically healthy and free of violence. In honoring life and teaching respect, balance will be restored within our Nations, communities, families and individuals for generations to come.
Independent First Nations
P.O. Box: 1634,
Cornwall, On K6H 5V6
Office Tel: 613-932-5852
Website designed by MAAIINGAN Productions: