Overview of IFN
The Independent First Nations are diverse and distinct communities comprised of three original peoples; the Anishinawbek, the Onkwehonwe and the Inninuwug in Ontario. Politically, the Independent First Nations (IFN) communities asserted their independence from existing Political Territorial Organizations (PTO’s) and affirmed their right to be self-determining, self-governing First Nations that represent their community’s interests at the local, regional, national level based on aboriginal and treaty rights. In 1994, twelve (12) First Nations whom had declared their Independence, signed a political protocol to formally establish the political collective of the IFN leadership and working relationship which included: the principles, mission, purpose and process for operations to work together in an effort to strengthen their joint work and partnerships to address issues of common concern and collective priority while respecting each other’s autonomy. Collectively the combined population of the IFN communities is over 30,000 members. We are unique politically, economically, socially, culturally, and geographically; with territories spanning across Ontario in the East, South, West and North. The Independent First Nations represent a diverse population and reflect unique perspectives.