Our Partners
The Independent First Nations partnered with the Ontario government and Indigenous organizations to implement initiatives towards ending violence against indigenous women.
This included: COO, ONWA, OFIFC, MNO, NAN and Six Nations

Chiefs of Ontario (COO)
The Chiefs of Ontario is a political forum and secretariat for collective decision-making, action, and advocacy for the 133 First Nations communities located within the boundaries of the province of Ontario.
Phone: (416) 597 1266
Toll Free: 1 877 517 6527
Fax: (416) 597 8365

Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Founded in 1971, the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) works to support, advocate for, and build the capacity of member Friendship Centres across Ontario.
Phone: (416) 956-7575
Toll Free: 1-800-772-9291
Fax: (416) 956-7577
Email: ofifc@ofifc.org

Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA)
The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) is a not for profit organization that was established in 1971 to empower and support Indigenous women and their families throughout the province of Ontario.
Phone: (807) 577-1492
Toll Free: 1-800-667-0816
Fax: (807) 623-1104
Email: onwa@onwa.ca

Metis Nation of Ontario (MNO)
In 1993, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) was established through the will of Métis people and Métis communities coming together throughout Ontario to create a Métis-specific governance structure. Prior to 1993, Métis had been involved in pan-Aboriginal lobby groups and organizations. The MNO was not created to represent all individuals and communities that claim to be Métis, but those individuals and communities that are a part of the Métis Nation.
Phone: (613) 798-1488
Toll Free: 1-800-263-4889
Fax: (613) 722-4225

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN)
Nishnawbe Aski Nation (known as Grand Council Treaty No. 9 until 1983) was established in 1973. It represents the legitimate, socioeconomic, and political aspirations of its First Nation members of Northern Ontario to all levels of government in order to allow local self-determination while establishing spiritual, cultural, social, and economic independence. In 1977, Grand Council Treaty No. 9 made a public declaration of the rights and principles of Nishnawbe Aski.
Phone: (807) 623-8228
Toll Free: 1-800-465-9952
Fax: (807) 623-7730

Six Nations of the Grand River
The Six Nations consist of the: Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, Onondaga and Tuscarora.
These Nations unified under the Great Tree of Peace. During the American Revolution, Captain Joseph Brant led many from the Iroquois Confederacy to ally with the British. For their loyalty to the Crown, the Six Nations would be deeded a tract of land along the Grand River. Eventually, most of the land would be stripped from them and they would be reduced to present 46,000 acres. Recognized as “Six Nations Reserve No. 40”.
Phone: (519) 445-2201
Fax: (519) 445-4208
Resource Links

Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
The Thunderbird Partnership Foundation works with First Nations and Inuit communities. Our top priority is developing a continuum of care that would be available to all Indigenous people in Canada, using the Honouring Our Strengths document as a framework.
Phone: (519) 692-9922
Toll Free: 1-866-763-4714
Fax: (519) 692-9977
E-Mail: info@thunderbirdpf.org

Talk 4 Healing
We offer 24/7 help, support and resources for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women, all across Ontario.
Toll Free: 1 855 554 HEAL

Family Information Liaison Units (FILU)
Family Information Liaison Units are a new service for families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The Units help families access available information about their missing and murdered loved ones from multiple government sources.
Phone: (416) 212-4111
Toll free phone: 1-844-888-8610
(For other provinces and territories contact info. Please visit website below)

MMIWG - National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
The National Inquiry must look into and report on the systemic causes of all forms of violence against Indigenous women and girls, including sexual violence.
Toll-Free: 1-844-413-6649
Fax: (604) 775-5009
Email: info@mmiwg-ffada.ca