IFN EVAIW Educational Toolkit
The IFN Educational Toolkit was designed by the Independent First Nations EVAIW Network as a culturally specific, trauma informed, strength based resource tool. It will support awareness, prevention, intervention, healing and wellness activities towards Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women and promote Family Well-Being.
The IFN EVAIW Logo was designed utilizing a technique that starts at the center and spirals outward. For the IFN EVAIW Network, this was significant. The spiral represents the pattern, the design of creation. One of the reasons the IFN EVAIW Network chose this design, is that the pattern of creation was embedded within the design. The energy, the flow of life through the pattern of creation as represented through woman reflects the essence of the vision of the Independent First Nations and hope of Ending Violent Against Indigenous Women.
To the IFN EVAIW Network, the woman and child represent; a mother and daughter, an auntie and niece, a grandmother and granddaughter. She could also be a mother with her son, an auntie and her nephew or a grandmother and grandson. Her role, responsibility, relationship and the lineage connection of woman and family is reflected in who she is within our people.
The colors that embrace her and blanket her, are the colors of the fire. To the IFN EVAIW Network, the fire represents man, the partner and helper within life. In the logo he is protecting and embracing woman and family. Within our families, communities and people; he is the grandfather, the father, the uncle and all that is represented within the role, responsibility and relationship of man.
The child, who is wearing the color purple and is embraced within the circle of family, represents the promise of a new day, a new beginning, a time of healing, a place of hope and peace. The vision of the Independent First Nations represented within this logo speaks to building upon our strengths as a people. It is about restoring balance within our people through healing, change, wellness to end violence against Indigenous women, within our families and peoples.
It is about embracing love.
Promotion utilizing strength Based Approach to EVAIW